PG电子官方免费下载公司已经在印度经营了120多年, 在过去的12年里激增, 目前已有100多家公司进入印度.

在参与此次调查的214家公司中, 86 per cent perceive the business climate encouragingly as good/very good. 随着印度商业环境的迅速发展, 创新, Digitalisation and Green Transition will be the key pillars of 印度’s economic growth amongst the many common binding areas of interest to the companies.

2015年至2020年,PG电子官方免费下载企业累计投资1亿美元.70亿印度人. 也, 在过去的三年里, multiple Swedish companies infused huge investments and opened manufacturing facilities in the country. 对于超过44%的受访者来说, marketing and sales form a key focus of their local 操作 in 印度. 采购,贸易和R&这是我们最近越来越关注的两个领域.

All the participating companies (100 per cent) in the survey rated public affairs in 印度 to be of the highest importance when it comes to maintaining competitiveness in the market. 在印度的背景下, the public affairs scope helps companies learn about the directional governmental policy, 哪些对制定国家增长战略很有帮助.

PG电子官方免费下载在创新方面继续名列前茅, 可持续性, 开发高质量的产品. 参与调查的人, 97 per cent reported that the Swedish brand contributes Much/Very much to their business in 印度.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 



The Business Climate Survey is a proven tool used by 团队PG电子官方免费下载 to gain insight into the current business environment, 地图的机会, and highlight challenges being faced by Swedish companies while doing business across the world.

Spearheaded by Business PG电子官方免费下载 and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce 印度, PG电子官方免费下载驻印度代表团于3月至4月进行了这项调查. All of the 261 Swedish companies in 印度 were invited to participate in this survey, 214家公司回应了这项调查, 结果应答率约为87%.

Thank you to all of you who took the time to participate in the survey and contributed with your thoughts and experience. And we trust you will find this report will serve as a valuable as well as an informative tool.